Saturday, April 7, 2018

Trouble in Paradise !!

Where has the sun and warmth gone? It’s cold, wet and windy. We are wearing socks for heaven’s
 sake!! The locals are dressed from head to foot in heavy duty winter clothing but we two Intrepids continue in our shorts, but got goosebumps..
It rained heavily last night and it would appear that we have a serious ingress of water. Yes we have a leak. It seems to be running from back to front and entering one of Sue’s clothes lockers. I say it like that because she has two to my one solitary cubby hole.
It could be that the sealant around the cable entry,for the solar panel, has failed. Nothing we can do until we get home except hope for drier weather.
A ray of sunshine through a small patch of blue and Sue is out there hanging her soggy shirts.
Hopefully we’ll  be ok as soon as we reach some stable, dry weather.
Despite everything, we are enjoying ourselves.
The rocks are fascinating.

Shells are colourful and ....
we continue to practice our ukuleles!!

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Think 🤔 Prince

The opening line of his most famous song is .....
Look closely at this pic of my Senior pal for the answer
One wonders if the quantity of Sangria supped , had anything to do with the outcome. 
Spanish onion for the first to reply with the correct answer. 

Our first campsite ...... Tarifa

I’m sat here using free WiFi and being bitten alive by an early batch of new mosquito arrivals. But the post must get through!!
So here’s our pitch with a clear view of the sea through the shade trees and the sound of the waves crashing onto the beach is deafening.

The sky is full of kites from which dangle the lithe bodies of muscular young men!! Forgive the fantasies of old pensioners.
 Beyond the trees is a  carpet of huge yellow daises, interspersed with clumps of short stemmed lavender. As you can imagine, the smell is intoxicating and they are the deepest shade of purple.
 Beyond the distant headland lies Cadiz and here’s another couple of pics from yesterday’s walk.

Ok, time to do some chores. Sue is doing our laundry, cheap washing machine,  no not Sue, the real thing and I’ve got a dead fly cemetery to remove after 6 days on the road. Bye for now Pals.

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

On the hoof in Cadiz

What a glorious day it has been. First the boat trip, then the sunshine and finally lots to see.
We had mixed fish sat at a tapas bar in front of the cathedral 

Someone  photobombed my sculpture of Simon Cadiz
Along the sea wall you can see so many fine architectural views.   

Fountains in every piazza then weary legs were ready to the ride home

Monday, April 2, 2018

Palencia to Cadiz via Caceres

The days in the saddle have been long but the ever improving weather and the fascinating landscapes have helped the kilometres go by. Note there is no mention of intellectual conversation.
We left Palencia and pointed Billy towards Caceres. Enroute we saw several of these big boys on hilltops
A shepherd drove his flock across the garage forecourt before I reached the pumps.
By the time we reached Caceres, we thought that it was time to enjoy the cafe culture scene. So we sat huddled in our jackets attempting to look “cool” at 7 in the evening, with a chilly breeze around our ears but the senior citizen in us soon sent us scuttling back to the warmth and comfort of the van and a hot water bottle!!
Today we have skirted Seville ( did the tourist trail there a few years ago), en route to Cadiz where we are now parked up.
Tomorrow, a boat ride across the estuary to explore the old town. 
So it’s comfortable shoes, cheese, baguette, water and camera, as we go in search of culture ....... and Sangria!!!!!