Where will we put everything that we had in Delfin? The compromise that we have had to make by downsizing to a smaller vehicle, that will be more manageable and cheaper to run, has been a certain amount of comfort and a great deal of space.
There is a large garage to the rear, under the fixed bed, where all our outdoor living gear is stowed. Previously this was housed in several outside lockers and was more easily accessible. Now it is prioritised based on how long we plan to stay in one place. Short stop,then the items on the right come out, but for several days, then it all comes out ... assuming that the weather is kind to us. Inside everything is scaled down, No separate shower room, but there is a hand held spray, hence the floor tray. Oh and the small stool is to assist short legged folk to get onto the bed.
There are plenty of lockers for clothes, books, games and DVDs
There is a large garage to the rear, under the fixed bed, where all our outdoor living gear is stowed. Previously this was housed in several outside lockers and was more easily accessible. Now it is prioritised based on how long we plan to stay in one place. Short stop,then the items on the right come out, but for several days, then it all comes out ... assuming that the weather is kind to us. Inside everything is scaled down, No separate shower room, but there is a hand held spray, hence the floor tray. Oh and the small stool is to assist short legged folk to get onto the bed.
Sue still has space to fill, but not me.
Outside we have added BBQ point , which is linked to the refillable gas bottle which we took out of Delfin and for extra security, on the large sliding door and rear doors, we have these Thule locks. 
We each have a large bed, the permanent one in the rear, from where we can watch our little TV and another, that is quickly made up from the table and dining area seating Plenty of room to stretch out and not disturb each other even if one of us is reading late. Mind you it only takes a visit to the loo in the early hours and everyone is awake! Hopefully, as the weeks go by, we can share more of our life on the road and you can judge for yourselves, if going for a smaller camper, was a wise move.