Thursday, June 11, 2015

Last Day At Katelios

So after five weeks living on the beach, the ferry from Patras is looming large on the horizon.
We will set off for Poros in the morning, stock up on a few supplies and catch the evening ferry to Kilini, where we will sleep on the dockside before setting off for Patras and the voyage northwards up the Adriatic to Ancona.
Our last day has seen us enjoy a boat ride along the coast with Terry. The colours of the water have to be seen to be believed and you an see right down to the sea bed with ease. My highlight was being given the wheel and encouraged to open the throttle!!Anna back in the harbour and secured to to her mooring.

You will have seen Lola being held by Nicos in a previous blog. She calls each morning for a drink and a cuddle.

Adonis paid us a special visit and we were able to see him so clearly.
 Cannas are really coming into their own now and this barrel-full are at the side of us,as we sit having morning coffee at Kat Tav, one of our many wifi stops.
The jetty. It has been in ruins for months but as the busy tourist season approaches the local Greeks have still not repaired it!!  Roger and Melvyn to the rescue!! They fixed it with timber and breeze blocks so that the water taxi from Scala can dock. 

 Tonight we will share a farewell meal with Dave and Ellen as a Thankyou for letting us use their  washing machine and the many times that Dave has driven to and fro with our toilet cassette


So all that remains is to buy a few momentous and have a farewell meal with Dave and Ellen tonight. Me thinks that there could be plenty of the wine on the table too!

Monday, June 8, 2015

The Back Road

Katelios, rather than being a thriving metropolis, is a sleepy, three road village, and today we would like to take you down the back road. As some of our pals are gardeners, then here are the colours of summer on Kephalonia.
 Oleanders grow like weeds
Rubber plants are putting on new growth

Wonderful shape to these pines.

Boats that were parked on the road three years ago are still there,although Makis says that this year they will be in the water.

An ancient fridge tucked beneath Palm leaves.

Charcoal waiting to be used in an oven.

Hibiscus are glorious and the figs are ripening!!

Old,dilapidated shacks remain on land now worth thousands of euros and ready for development.

 The glorious vibrant colours of Bougainville are just beginning to dazzle after a late Spring.

Plumbago , a small, delicate plant grows nearby.

The amazing Angels Trumpets are almost at the end of their season.
All roads eventually lead to a taverna and here is Sue studying the menu at Katelios Grill.
The result a tasty souvlaki and a gyros, washed down with half of Mythos.