We have travelled further south to Seville today. There have been wild, white roses, purple lavender, red and orange poppies, yellow broom and buttercups and the pale pink of tamerisk..
The roads have been quiet and we have been able to absorb the scenery. Patchwork fields, terra cotta earth and snow capped peaks.
Now parked up for the night at Camping Villasom on the outskirts of Seville. We have drunk too much wine..... Dutch influence......but at least there is a tasty dinner cooking in the Remoska for later.
There are palm trees surrounding our van and Sue has strung a washing line between two orange trees. There are marmalade oranges lying all around and they smell delightful on ones hands
The roads have been quiet and we have been able to absorb the scenery. Patchwork fields, terra cotta earth and snow capped peaks.
Now parked up for the night at Camping Villasom on the outskirts of Seville. We have drunk too much wine..... Dutch influence......but at least there is a tasty dinner cooking in the Remoska for later.
There are palm trees surrounding our van and Sue has strung a washing line between two orange trees. There are marmalade oranges lying all around and they smell delightful on ones hands