Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Calais to Kerver via Lisieux

As we departed Calais, we had a brief glimpse of the migrant problem, as these desperate people endeavoured to seek on opportunity to board a slow moving lorry on the approach roads to the port. The newly erected fences, topped with razor wire, glinted in the morning sun but failed to halt the individuals who managed to scale them, risking torn skin in an attempt to conceal themselves inside a waggon.
The stacked lorries were backed up for miles as we drove rapidly passed them  towards the A16 with the worrying prospect of three,very high bridges which we have to cross, getting ever closer!!Older age is doing nothing to improve my fear of heights so I baled out and asked Sat Nav Sue to take us off at J29 and select an alternative route to Abbeville.
We continued westwards for about 200 miles until we came to a small, attractive village in the countryside close to Lisieux, where we spent the night in the company of other Motorhomers.
We rose early to the sound of church bells, cockerels and children going to school, so having breakfasted, we set off towards Brittany and our final destination of Kerver, by the sea!!
The route was beautiful and the roads were uncongested, so we were able to take in the sites of newly ploughed fields, ripening sweet corn, wide rivers and forests beginning to take on the shades of Autumn.
Such joy to discover that the site was as beautiful as we remembered and to find that friends made last year were there to welcome us back.

 Joel in his scuba gear

Tonight's sunset
Veronique relaxing in the sunshine

Monday, August 31, 2015

French Tarts Abroad

Well here we are at Dover once again, with the obligatory photo of our tin tent. It's been a different one each time!!
Billie Burstner has given us a comfortable trip down from Stoke, plenty of miles per gallon and frequent coffee stops.
Look what happened as soon as we parked up, yes it wasn't long before the first bottle of  holiday wine was opened.
Early start in the morning so off to bed once our evening meal has sunk to our boots. There are several vans parked either side of us so safe and snug as the mist blows off the sea. No glorious sunset tonight. We can't even see the castle on the cliff top.