Thursday, May 3, 2018

Heavy load!!

This motorhoming lark is all very pleasant, but there are times when nature plays a hand in slightly tarnishing the image. Not least of all when the disposal of the unprintable is concerned.
Lovely though our present location is, it’s a very long walk to the toilets,

So we have come up with this Heath Robinson contraption. Our little trolley and a bungee, fastened to the back of a bike, and away we go.

Zooming along on the battery bike with the cassette in tow, is a head turner!!!

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Valencia isn’t just about paella.

We spent Bank Holiday Monday in Valencia so that we could visit Turia Park.
Having spent time doing the old cultural sites on our last visit, we decided to explore the famous Turia Park. It is a dried up river bed, which has been developed into a 9 kilometre, urban Park.

There are areas for open air concerts, ball games, fountains, trees and flowers. But it is also an area

where cyclists, joggers and walkers can roam at leisure, away from vehicles and their fumes.
There are 18 bridges, both old and modern plus Valencia’s version of the Crystal Palace.

You can actually hear birdsong above the background hum of city traffic.
At the Eastern end is a huge Biopark and zoo. At the other, a huge complex of modern architectural buildings. These are what we came to see!!
We began our stroll at the half way point and in true D and S style, we set off in the wrong direction
After the greenery of the park, the towering structure of the Opera House loomed over us.

Rapidly followed by the Oceanography Centre.

 the Museum.

Very modern, enclosed , tree-lined walkways and terrific use of water and lighting. We will have to find it on YouTube. 

There is more to follow as construction continues

But it was a lovely day out. Local bus, train and taxi made it a little easier on the feet. 
Sorry 😐 about the big gap!!

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Ouch !!

Old ladies and push scooters just don’t mix..
Having had an accident-free holiday thus far, the inevitable happened.
This is how Sue tells the tale.
“So off she went to get bread.....on her scooter.
Be careful I shouted. How are you going to scoot and carry a baguette?
As it happened, she didn’t get that far. Her scooter, being low, bottomed out on a speed bump. 

Scooter stopped but Daf kept on going......over the handle bars!!! 🛴🛴🛴
She was brought back, limping and bleeding, by two Spanish cleaning ladies, one holding her up and the other wheeling the scooter, which, with a wry smile, she parked it by a tree. ” Hola !
Medication  soon followed.

 We only asked for a glass each, but, hey this is Spain, so we accepted the jug full..
I suppose the nurse deserved a treat so this is what enjoying a chocolate croissant looks like.