Monday, March 11, 2013

Urgent name change required!!

It appears that our "tarts on tour " handle has brought unwanted attention from around the world, so we have reverted to The Intrepids ,which our dear friends back in Stoke applied some years ago.Apparently our blog was sandwiched between "The Naughty Girls" and a jam tart factory in Eastern Europe!!
We have much to learn about this blogging lark!! Ideally the intention is to use it whilst away on our adrenalin fuelled journey to North Africa ,which is now a mere 5 weeks away.
Since introducing ourselves to the world, we no longer have Eldy. Instead, as our trips became more far flung and the destinations more varied ,we opted to upgrade our van to a 2008 Burstner Delfin t 700 Performance. Oh what a treat, so much space and comfort and a work horse of an engine.
No tarts here, just a couple of cheerful  nomads.


  1. Hooray! I am looking forward to following the tartlette travels.

  2. We've got you now and are looking forward to following your adventures. Well done on the new van!! Drive her carefully!! xx
