This is Achmed, who took us on a guided tour of Fes. He collected us from the campsite in a " Grand Taxi " which is an ancient Mercedes that the driver squeezes 7 people inside. Morocco has thousands of them and they are used instead of buses. On any journey, you never know who you could be sat next to!
I digress. The city is a massive urban sprawl but we wanted to see the Medina, or the ancient city. The sights we saw were unbelievable. A warren, of narrow, shaded alleys, seething with people, donkeys, carts and rubbish carriers. Porters shouting to get past you, mosques calling the faithful to prayer, donkeys' hooves clopping on the cobbles, friends exchanging greetings ... sounds of the souks
Each section of the city is famous for what it produces, so craftsmen working in incredibly cramped conditions, are producing textiles, pottery, metalwork, shoes, silk, furniture and leather.
Perhaps a photo album would give you a better insight into Fes than words, so here goes.....
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