This could be our last regular blog because once we leave Tanger Med, the wonderful benefits of the Maroc Telecom 3G Sim Card will expire and Internet access in Spain and France is ridiculously expensive. We will use MacDonalds when we can so, don't give up on us just yet.
There was an amazing sunset at Assilah last night, that made you tingle with the grandeur of the spectacle.
Because of the position of the campsites, we have rarely been able to see the departing sun, as it often sank below the horizon whilst we were parked behind a promontory.
On the road today, being Sunday, there has been a very visible police presence. A grey uniform popped out from between a couple of oleander bushes, holding a speed camera, but we weren't going to be done twice! So no joy for him.
On the other hand, we were unsure of which road we should have been on for the port, so we stopped to ask a policeman, who ultimately flagged all the traffic to a halt at a busy roundabout, to enable us to reverse, then he pointed us in the right direction and waved us on our way. The Moroccans have a very unconventional way of doing things!
Delfin had competition from a runaway cow on the motorway. It's owner was at least thirty metres behind, panting his way along the outside lane.
We tried to head it off but a huge lorry came into view visible through the wing mirror, so not wishing to witness a corned beef massacre, we drove off.
However we can report, that the lorry driver attempted successfully, the manoeuvre which we failed to accomplish. A happy farmer and a laughing cow. They sell that cheese everywhere over here.
Now at the port, but due to Moroccan bureaucracy, we have been turned away by the ticket office, sent packing by the customs and don't even want to be seen by the police ..... until three o'clock, when all the chasing about from booth to booth will begin all over again!!
One final unhelpful incident, as we were ordered to reverse ,yet again, involved a cleaning lady who parked her bucket of water in the middle of the our exit, whilst she nipped into a police booth to mop the floor.
We are truly sorry to be leaving Morocco and are delighted that we have been able to share our travels with you. One last view of an almost deserted beach and a big blue sky!!
The European mainland is clearly visible, but not beckoning, across the Gibralter Straits ,and what was a culture shock when we first came to Morocco will shortly be emphasised still further as we return to a western lifestyle.
There was an amazing sunset at Assilah last night, that made you tingle with the grandeur of the spectacle.
On the road today, being Sunday, there has been a very visible police presence. A grey uniform popped out from between a couple of oleander bushes, holding a speed camera, but we weren't going to be done twice! So no joy for him.
On the other hand, we were unsure of which road we should have been on for the port, so we stopped to ask a policeman, who ultimately flagged all the traffic to a halt at a busy roundabout, to enable us to reverse, then he pointed us in the right direction and waved us on our way. The Moroccans have a very unconventional way of doing things!
Delfin had competition from a runaway cow on the motorway. It's owner was at least thirty metres behind, panting his way along the outside lane.
However we can report, that the lorry driver attempted successfully, the manoeuvre which we failed to accomplish. A happy farmer and a laughing cow. They sell that cheese everywhere over here.
Now at the port, but due to Moroccan bureaucracy, we have been turned away by the ticket office, sent packing by the customs and don't even want to be seen by the police ..... until three o'clock, when all the chasing about from booth to booth will begin all over again!!
Note the gritted " Got to go back again!" |
One final unhelpful incident, as we were ordered to reverse ,yet again, involved a cleaning lady who parked her bucket of water in the middle of the our exit, whilst she nipped into a police booth to mop the floor.
We are truly sorry to be leaving Morocco and are delighted that we have been able to share our travels with you. One last view of an almost deserted beach and a big blue sky!!
The European mainland is clearly visible, but not beckoning, across the Gibralter Straits ,and what was a culture shock when we first came to Morocco will shortly be emphasised still further as we return to a western lifestyle.
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