Guess what ....we are still here by the sea. Sue has just left the building and is scaling the shingle bank to park her chair in a good viewing position.
She is surrounded by fishing rods and the odd dog that scampers to investigate this vision in a swimming cossie
Life has drifted into a Swiss Family Robinson existence.In fact that relative of theirs, Heath Robinson, has enabled us to construct the means of taking the water container and toilet cassette, the kilometre to the tap and dump.It's so much easier.
We have fastened a small trolley to the rear of the electric bike and are now able to zip down the lane and back, in the time it takes for the kettle to boil.
We wash, clean and cook. The bike rack is a clothes horse. There are people to watch, wildlife to observe and fellow travellers to exchange ideas and information.
The outdoor market has a wealth of stalls so we can buy local produce and today, being Sunday, there has been an invasion of French folk doing" a day by the sea."
They are on the beach, in the sea, skimming the waves in boats. Some foolhardy ones are jogging in the heat and others are peddling mountain bikes, racers or tandems, whilst those with a baby or a dog, attatch a sidecar to their cycle! Even the man who comes to collect our parking fee, arrives on a quadbike! Scantily clad trippers are strolling or hiking and there has been excitement too. The emergency services came hurtling down the track, showering everyone in dust and sending a few stones against tyres as they went to the rescue of a poor horse which had become stuck in a quicksand. Sappers Pompiers, our heroes!!
Life has drifted into a Swiss Family Robinson existence.In fact that relative of theirs, Heath Robinson, has enabled us to construct the means of taking the water container and toilet cassette, the kilometre to the tap and dump.It's so much easier.
We wash, clean and cook. The bike rack is a clothes horse. There are people to watch, wildlife to observe and fellow travellers to exchange ideas and information.
They are on the beach, in the sea, skimming the waves in boats. Some foolhardy ones are jogging in the heat and others are peddling mountain bikes, racers or tandems, whilst those with a baby or a dog, attatch a sidecar to their cycle! Even the man who comes to collect our parking fee, arrives on a quadbike! Scantily clad trippers are strolling or hiking and there has been excitement too. The emergency services came hurtling down the track, showering everyone in dust and sending a few stones against tyres as they went to the rescue of a poor horse which had become stuck in a quicksand. Sappers Pompiers, our heroes!!
Today's trip to the Spar shop.
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