Tuesday, May 12, 2015

The fury of the storm!!

Drove from Poros to Katelios and watched, as the sky turned from blue to black,in seconds. How can this be happening? Two thousand miles from home and you have our weather!!
The wind whipped up and the wipers could barely cope with the quantity of rain that was throwing itself on to the windscreen.
By the time we were parked up by the harbour in Katelios, there were hailstones pinging off the van and lightening flashing and crackling around us. Day had become night and the waves thundered up the beach. Where had our 33* gone?
Then, as if by magic, as small, white car appeared in our line of vision. It was David, Sue's brother!!
We leapt in and were driven twenty yards to the nearest taverna, where half a dozen pals were waiting to greet us. After a couple of glasses of house wine,the storm was forgotten , as catch up time took priority.
This morning has dawned sunny but windy, as the tail end of the storm blows itself out.
Here is a quick trip around Katelios.
Peaceful main street, a few boats in the crystal water and a deserted beach.

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed meeting you last Tuesday 12th and chatting about your exploits with my wife. It was my birthday that day and partly made it. We are back home now arrived yesterday. Rain today but not like the storm which we luckily missed whilst out in our hire car in the north of the island
