Friday, April 13, 2018

Bolnuevo ...... we like it here.

There has been somewhat of an improvement in the weather. The sun has dared to shine and spirits have been uplifted without the need for alcohol, although the many rubbish bins around the site have plenty of recyclable glass and tin each morning so some of these happy campers are imbibing plenty. I’m sat outside the bar benefiting from the free WiFi on offer and thought that you might enjoy a snapshot of Bolnuevo. It is a very floriferous site with colour everywhere you look, from the roundabout as you enter the site,

to the toilet and shower rooms

Locals bring their plants with

and some guests build their own gardens if they are  here for a while.

There are magnificent palm trees soaring  skywards

and tucked away in a corner, is a small library, where the owners have categorised all the hundreds of donated books by the language that they are written in. Germans and Netherlanders are by far the most prolific visitors here!!

The promenade is well over a kilometre long and wonderful for our bikes and scooters

There is a desert type landscape as a backdrop to the village

and a rocky coastline beyond.

We have lovely Dutch neighbours who have a dog called Yeti, Please note Tom and Mariejan!!

So Friday the 13th has not been a superstitious day for us, and we hope that
 all is ok with you too.


  1. Hello dear ladies, everything’s OK here. It is chilly here (15*C) and a little bit sun. Greetings from us and dog Leia also to Yeti.

  2. That’s looking more like it! Let’s hope the sun will stay with you now. I love all the flowers!
